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    The human body contains many different trace elements, among which there are also those that we do not even suspect. For example, manganese is indispensable and extremely important for fully healthy functioning.


    Without this trace element, it is impossible to imagine the formation and growth of cells, tissues, the assimilation of many vitamins, and the course of metabolic processes. Vitamins with manganese in tablets are safe and convenient to make up for the deficiency and always maintain the health of the body.

    Manganese for prevention and maintenance of health Manganese picture

    According to most scientists, manganese is a valuable mineral with a beneficial effect on our body. It can act as a preventive tool for various diseases or disorders.

    It is important to note the following advantages of this unique substance:

    • it participates in the processes of cell growth and regeneration.
    • it helps the cartilage to recover.
    • it prevents the risk of developing osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    • it helps to fight multiple sclerosis and various pathologies of the central nervous system.
    • it helps with the prevention of diabetes.
    • it restores the sensitivity of the limbs.
    • it counteracts the formation of atherosclerosis.
    • it normalizes the work of the genital glands.
    • it participates in the processes of hematopoiesis.
    • it suppresses the effect of the harmful effects of toxic substances.
    • it has antioxidant properties.
    • it reduces the level of blood sugar
    • it supports the healthy functioning of muscle tissues.
    • it activates the absorption of calcium and glucosamine.
    • it protects nails and hair from breakage.

    To ensure full saturation of the body with manganese, it is necessary to consume fresh vegetables and fruits. 

    The daily requirement for the mineral is 0.2-0.3 mg per 1 kg of human body weight. Children should receive 0.07-0.09 mg/kg. For women, a daily dosage of 2.5-5 mg is required (stress, work, pregnancy, etc.) The male body should receive at least 6 mg, and with increased loads, up to 7-8 mg.

    Signs of a lack of manganese

    Today, a lack of trace elements in the body is very common among people and this is due to the following reasons:

    • unbalanced diet.
    • increased environmental pollution.
    • stress and nervous experiences.

    A lack of manganese can cause critical disorders that will adversely affect the general state of health:

    • exhausted state.
    • chronic nervousness.
    • bronchospasm.
    • constant runny nose.
    • osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are especially risky for the elderly.
    • weight gain.
    • convulsive contractions and delayed psychomotor formation (young children are susceptible).

    For pregnant women, the lack of this substance threatens that the fetus may develop congenital abnormalities, limbs are disturbed at the stage of formation, joints are fused, and the skull is deformed.

    As a result of the fact that the body does not receive the mineral in full, it will eventually develop:

    • neurasthenia.
    • depression.
    • deterioration of intellectual abilities.

    Scientists have proven that manganese has a positive effect on glucose metabolism and increases the effectiveness of insulin exposure. With a deficiency, the risk of developing diabetes increases.

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