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    This is one of the most valuable proteins of our body, which is contained in absolutely all connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, bones, skin, blood vessel walls, and muscles. Collagen is a fibrillar protein that makes up 30% of the total mass of all proteins in the human body. Considering its importance for the skin, the role of collagen is difficult to overestimate, because it gives it strength, elasticity, and beauty.

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    If we talk about the importance of collagen for connective tissues, then we can say that it acts as a glue that ensures the restoration and integrity of the body. The main function of collagen is to ensure the unity of the structure of organs and tissues and to ensure the strength of both the external and internal structure of cells. However, the production of collagen decreases with the process of aging, which is manifested in degenerative processes, which result in wrinkles, sagging skin, as well as joint pains and poor states of the cartilaginous tissues.

    The use of sports nutrition products based on collagen during training can provide the necessary protection to bones, joints, and ligaments, which will allow you to conduct full-fledged intensive training sessions without any damage to the body.

    How does collagen affect the health of ligaments and joints?

    To ensure smooth, easy, and pain-free movement, each of us must have elastic, flexible, and strong connective tissues, which are made such by collagen together with elastin, forming elastic fibers of connective tissues. Any type of physical activity is a kind of test for the strength of the musculoskeletal system.

    Such a valuable structural protein as collagen helps to protect ligaments, joints, tendons from damage and sprains during high-intensity exercise, as well as healing injuries and wounds at all stages of regeneration and prevents the development of degenerative processes that exclude the possibility of living a fully active life.

    Therefore, to maintain and restore the supply of collagen, it's recommended to use sports nutrition products based on it. It's recommended to choose various supplements because people are not always able to find a required amount of collagen in conventional foods.

    Collagen is your youth and beauty Collagen pictutre

    The action of collagen is based on providing flexibility, strength, and elasticity of the skin, which it embodies together with keratin – the main component of the рorny tissue of the epidermis, nails, and hair.

    As you know, the older we get, the less the body's collagen and the faster the processes of aging that manifest in the loss of elasticity, wrinkles. To stay young, beautiful, and healthy for as long as possible, you should additionally supply the body with collagen. This will help fight visible signs of skin aging, improve its properties, and maintain an optimal level of hydration because even many skincare products have collagen in their composition. 

    More about collagen

    Looking young and feeling completely healthy is a difficult task, but real. The human body is actively developing until the age of 25. After this period comes maturity, when the hormonal background is established, a constant metabolism is formed. Collagen (fibrillar protein) will be a participant in creating elastic skin, thick hair, and mobile joints.

    This age period cannot be called withering, but all systems and organs will need additional support. Vitamins, minerals, various antioxidants, and detox complexes act as an assistant. An integral part of many dietary supplements is collagen in capsules or tablets.

    At the moment of birth, the natural production of the substance corresponds to the needs of the body. Gradually, its quantity is exhausted, and natural recovery does not keep up with its consumption. Collagen-based preparations are an opportunity to prolong youth, look fresh and live without pain in the body.

    Collagen for joints

    The structural basis of collagen is a protein that is located in every cell of our body. The substance takes part in the formation and maintenance of connective tissues. Preparations with collagen are able to increase the protective threshold, reliably "stitch" the cellular connections of joints, ligaments, epithelium, hair, nail plates. Collagen in powder or tablets is prescribed for treatment:

    • arthritis of various origins.
    • inflammatory processes in connective tissue.
    • injuries in athletes after excessive loads or prolonged training.
    • osteochondrosis at various stages of destruction of intervertebral discs.

    Common Collagen Supplements

    Dietary supplements are also used for preventive purposes. It can be a cosmetic complex to combat premature aging, nourishment for mature skin. There are collagen-containing preparations for the regulation of visual acuity. Common areas: 

    Organ or system: Efficiency


    • removes fine facial wrinkles.
    • works with the thinned dermis to restore hydrolipidic balance.
    • increases the protective factor from sun exposure.


    • strengthen the vascular wall.
    • working with vascular mesh on the upper layer of the skin.
    • exclusion of minor hemorrhages due to the fragility of blood vessels.


    • prevention of glaucoma development.
    • maintaining the eyeball in a normal condition.

    Gastrointestinal tract system

    • prevention of constipation.
    • improvement of intestinal motility.
    • regulation of gastric juice production.
    • complete assimilation of all useful elements from food.

    Collagen symptoms of substance deficiency 

    When should I order collagen? Obvious symptoms appear gradually, so it is difficult to notice the lack of this particular component. A decrease in output will be indicated by the following:

    • crunching and unpleasant sensations in the joints.
    • skin fading, dull shade, too oily or dry epithelium.
    • tendency to constipation, flatulence, colic.
    • the initial stage of osteoporosis, osteopenia.
    • thinning hair, brittle nails.
    • the manifestation of bruises, long healing of wounds.

    According to reviews, collagen is useful for teenagers, athletes, women after pregnancy and during menopause. 

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