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    White Mulberry

    White Mulberry

    The berries of the mulberry tree (more commonly known as mulberry) are an indispensable natural foundation for a young, tough and healthy body. 

    One shall use supplements with the mulberry extract in the treatment of colds, diabetes, respiratory diseases. 


    Active composition and benefits



    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

    It stimulates intestinal peristalsis, adjusts metabolic processes. It is able to increase sexual desire, makes up for iodine deficiency

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

    It is a mandatory component of the hematopoietic process, strengthens existing cells, helps in the formation of new healthy red blood cells

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

    It regulates cholesterol levels, helps produce insulin

    Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

    It is a mandatory supplement for maintaining female hormonal balance, menstrual cycle, ovulatory period 

    Micro- and macronutrients 

    Calcium for strengthening bones and joints.

    Magnesium and potassium for the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Recommendations for taking the mulberry extract.

    A large number of antioxidants and a vitamin-mineral complex have made mulberry extract popular around the world. One shall take this supplement to deal with the following things: white mulberry picture

    • reduced hemoglobin levels, hypochromic anemia.
    • congenital bending of the gallbladder, thick bile, pancreatitis
    • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, synthesis and absorption of nutrients from food
    • changes in metabolism, insufficient absorption of proteins and carbohydrates
    • prevention of early aging, improvement of blood circulation
    • the need to strengthen the immune system, take care of the condition of the skin.
    • various diseases, from tachycardia and hypertension to atherosclerosis, ischemia

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