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    Our bones, muscles, teeth, and many other body tissues consist largely of minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.). We consume them together with food. These substances function in the body as enzymes and coenzymes. Most of them regulate the work of the heart, brain, promote the passage of nerve impulses, and much more.


    The correct ratio of minerals in the body, their balance helps our body to remain strong and healthy, to function properly and for a long time.

    Additional intake of minerals can provide:

    • Normal muscle contraction.
    • Strong bones.
    • High energy level.
    • Maintaining the level of electrolytes in the body.
    • High enzyme activity.
    • Proper flow of metabolic processes.
    • Maintaining immunity.

    Need for minerals

    Minerals are a class of inorganic substances that are found naturally in most foods. Our body needs about 20 minerals to function at the proper level. At the same time, two large classes are distinguished among them: macronutrients and trace elements, i.e. contained in negligibly small amounts in the body.

    Despite the fact that minerals are contained in food, their amount is often not enough to effectively support the body, especially with an active lifestyle. If you train hard, your need for minerals is much higher than that of the average person.

    Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor that you are getting a sufficient amount of these trace elements that can support the body and minimize the lack of nutrients. For example, young athletes most often have a deficiency of iron and calcium.

    Minerals are essential for most of the metabolic and physiological processes occurring in the body. Scientists confirm the value of minerals primarily for athletes. After all, minerals are involved in muscle contraction, maintain a normal heart rate, the transmission of nerve impulses and oxygen transport, activate enzymes, participate in the work of the immune system, show antioxidant activity, strengthen bone tissue, balance the acid-base balance.

    Since these processes are accelerated under conditions of physical exertion, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of minerals, especially since many of them are excreted from the body with sweat.

    Thanks to the latest production technologies, it has become possible to qualitatively improve your diet, including minerals, using special dietary supplements from sports nutrition. Most mineral complexes should be taken 1 time a day, usually in the morning or at any other time convenient for you.

    Minerals in chelated form Minerals picture

    Minerals, as a rule, are effectively and absolutely safely absorbed by the body. Minerals in the chelated form are becoming popular since they are absorbed several times better than minerals in inorganic form.

    Minerals in the chelated form are minerals combined with amino acids. In this form, they are better absorbed by the intestines. Amino acids in this case act as a transport system.

    The following benefits can be obtained from the additional intake of minerals:

    • Normal muscle contraction.
    • Strong bones.
    • High energy level.
    • Maintaining the level of electrolytes in the body.
    • High enzyme activity.
    • Proper flow of metabolic processes.
    • Correct heart rate.
    • The supply of an adequate portion of oxygen.
    • Maintaining immunity.
    • Protection of the body from the effects of free radicals.

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